About the Inec Group
Our history dates back to 1990, when the first Russian software program for the financial analyzing of corporate activity was introduced. A minor consulting company, INEC, elaborated it for its own needs, and this experience turned out to be attractive for our customers and promising for business development.
Many changes have taken place since that time. Now INEC is a major research and production group, rendering full range of services for creating efficient business on the basis of advanced technologies. But the company's principle, which could be formulated as "to work for the customer, as if for itself," remains keynote. Namely this principle I regard as the reason of our prosperity on the Russian market.
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The multi-profile platform of technologies, works and services, rendered by the group's qualified experts, enables one to efficiently solve management problems of any complexity.
More than 40000 customers in 150 Russian cities opt for INEC's information technologies, consulting, audit and business training.
I sincerely hope, that the current information about us will become both, pleasant and useful for you. And we, in our turn, will always be glad to see you among our friends and business partners!
Yours respectfully,
Emil Kotlyar
Chairman of the Board
INEC group
INEC Group presentation (English)
Die Prasentation der Gruppe INEK (Deutsch)